Thursday Thanks Tank
(a time to intentionally redirect my gaze and give testimony to the ways God blesses me)
How is God filling my tank this week?
- Providing in ways I can only attribute to Him. People are praying, and He is answering in His time and in His own fashion.
- Through creation. Being a part of the team at AR Workshop Rome is a joy and an outlet for leaving a trail of beauty each time I cross the threshold.
- Being treated to a movie with my son. We had a great time at this one yesterday.
- Having time to explore some of my favorite things. I've been painting, sewing, and writing. All pursuits that bring me joy and set my soul at rest.
- My weighted blanket from Mosaic Weighted Blankets. I've had mine for about six months now, and it has made a world of difference in my sleep habits. Not only is mine pretty, but it provides me with a comfort level I had forgotten I could have during a night's sleep. I even drag it out to the sofa if I'm taking a nap.
- Relief from mind-numbing nerve pain. I am now six weeks out from surgery on my wrist, and I can honestly say I didn't realize how much of an interference that tiny little spot was having on my life. The coolest result of the healing is being able to wear a bracelet again, but that is minor in comparison to the daily activities I've been able to resume without the pain from a tumor getting in the way.
How is God filling your tank this week? Please let me know in the comments, so we can all be:
Leaving a trail of beauty~
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