God Holds Both Light and Darkness

Light and darkness.

My favorite time of day on both ends of the spectrum is when those first slight streaks of daylight begin to break through the darkness, and the converse of it found in the very last moments of light left before the entire landscape is engulfed in velvety blackness.

I love the hope found in light splitting through the darkness and awakening a new day. I admire all creation staying hushed until daybreak as well, instinctively knowing the signal comes along with that rhythmic rising of the sun.

The end of the day has its charm in my heart, too. I find it endlessly satisfying to watch the sunset and see the stars emerge twinkling amidst the growing inkiness of the nighttime sky. Unique as the number of days in existence, the colors and display are ever-changing. Yet the cyclical nature of it brings comfort and peace.

Both the light and the darkness find their home with God. He spoke and they did His bidding. Until He called light into existence, darkness covered everything. Without Him, I am subjected to the same.

Oh yes, the sun will still rise day in and day out as He set it into motion with one utterance.

However, I need Him and His light to illuminate my path. How do I find His light in the light of day?
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
 As I pursue the Lord, He reveals more and more of Himself to me through His living and active Word. I hadn't really ever studied the above verse, because to be real honest I don't hang out in Job very often.

God is answering Job here and asking him questions. The surrounding passage is burgeoning with questions God has for Job. This inquisition of sorts goes on for chapters.

I am incredibly grateful I've not been pressed by the Lord in such a fashion. Job endured far beyond my capabilities. Instead I dominate the conversation all too often with a plethora of questions for Him without waiting long enough for answers.

He is patient and gracious to me, but He doesn't waver in His timing or His shedding of light. I must wait inside the beam of light He's provided. I don't get to race ahead or take a shortcut.

His path is sure, but outside of His path is just as sure . . . to be filled with darkness and uncertainty.

If I want to leave a trail of beauty on any day, I must choose to stay on the path He has mercifully lit for me. His light shines on, and I choose to follow.


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