Thursday Thanks Tank

Do you ever just feel too tired to be grateful? Everything feels like an effort, and your one day feels like you've lived several? That's me today. I've been up since before dawn and segmented my day in such varied parts I feel like they've each been a day.

Let me share how God filled my tank through each segment today:

  • I finally got my mammogram -- after three tries at three different locations, this one met my insurance requirement and found me a worthy candidate to be squooshed. I know it's a little early, but make your appointment now to be seen during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.
  • I had a little time to enjoy the cool morning breezes before temperatures soared again into the mid-90's. Hmm . . . it didn't used to be this hot at this time of year . . .
  • I got a chance to spend some good time with my son and then some concentrated time writing.
  • Poppy got to go to the vet, and getting her nails trimmed was my favorite so far! Maybe  now I'll be able to heal from some of the affection-driven scratches she's given me.
  • I made myself dinner. I know this sounds like a routine thing for some, but for this gal it's an unusual occurrence these days. Cereal, a gluten free bagel, or maybe gluten free toaster waffles (last night) are the regular fare.
What's filling your tank this week? God shows up in all sorts of ways when you take time to intentionally notice what He's doing. I guarantee taking five minutes to be grateful can change your whole perspective.

Leaving a trail of beauty~



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