hope*writers Fall Writing Challenge Day 4 -- FOLLOW

I often feel like this.
I try to stand out but end up wanting to disappear altogether.

If you mention the word "follow" I cringe. Though leading is far from my jam, I am not a great follower or one I think you'd want to follow. I often fade away entirely when called on to step forward to a place with everyone's eyes on me.

I hear I need to have a "following" as a working writer who wants to eventually publish anything you can hold in your hands in book form, and I immediately hear this chorus of taunts rise up in unison and then break out in solos from within the fluff of my brain:

  • You've made too many mistakes for anyone to follow you.
  • You're divorced for goodness' sake. Why would anyone listen to what you have to say?
  • You're too old.
  • You're broken.
  • You're messed up.
  • You're not pretty enough.
  • You're not thin enough.
  • You're too much.
  • You're not enough . . .
From my perspective, I fall short in so many ways. I think the message is clear. All of these jabs and jeers are in second person. That's not how God speaks to me. Instead of the accusations, He first tells me this:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

He also tells me to FOLLOW Him. 
"And He said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'" Matthew 4:19

So if I am keeping my gaze on Him and following directly in the path He has for me, I bet I will have less time to worry about whether I am the one to follow. 

Instead, I will be pointing the way to Him and ultimately more people will be following Him by following me. Fancy that! 

I don't have to worry about you following me! I will just point you to follow Him. Because I know He is:
  • Enough
  • Exactly what you need
  • Steadfast
  • Unwavering
  • Consistent
  • Dependable
  • Worthy
  • Perfect in all His ways . . .
And so many more characteristics and attributes I cannot begin to list them all here.

I am grateful to have you here with me today if you've made it this far in my mind dump. I do realize I am created exactly how God wanted me to be. He has a purpose and a plan to use me just the way I am.

I don't have to worry about standing out!
I can point the way to following Him.

Come here to see what is rambling around in my mind and how I am managing to leave a trail of beauty in the midst of all that's been broken along the way.

Come back so we can follow Him together and leave a trail of beauty that makes His name GREAT no matter what we think disqualifies us from it. He has plans for both of us as we FOLLOW Him.

Leaving a trail of beauty . . . every day~



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