Thursday Thanks Tank

I'm just going to be really honest. I feel utterly and completely guilty for not being more grateful than I am.

I've spent the last 72 minutes giving myself a headache over a website I started working on almost two months ago and still have yet to figure out.

At this point I don't even know how to unpublish it! To my dismay, it has been visible to the public for weeks without my knowing it. Talk about feeling like you showed up  to the party without getting dressed first or really knowing you'd arrived at all!

I keep coming back here to this familiar place with its familiar format to let my words spill from my keyboard and find their way onto your screens.

So, enough of my bellyaching! Let me make some space for thankfulness, turn my bleary-eyed gaze and my heart toward what God has been doing, and leave a trail of beauty rather than griping about something I cannot change in the next five minutes.

Here's how God has been filling my tank (or what I am thankful for this week):

  • Days overflowing with baby giggles, multiple outfit changes (his, not mine), and singing the likes of "I'm In the Lord's Army (Yes, Sir!)", "Father Abraham", and "Silent Night" (when rocking him close to sleep).
  • Multiple trips outside with Poppy, giving me time to quietly observe all that goes on around me.
  • Being part of something so much bigger than I am as I've joined in prayer over Eva Love Sherbondy. Follow her whole story via her mom's site or @dugansherbondy or on Instagram. This precious little girl has drawn so many people together. Please pray for a miracle as she recovers from a traumatic brain injury.
  • Fresh fruit. Pears have been my most recent delicacy.
  • Painting in little bits. Watercolors have consumed my attention this week.
After the way this post started, I'll be surprised if anyone stuck around to finish it.

If you made it this far, please share one way God has blessed you this week or filled your tank with thanks. 

Leaving a trail of beauty (in spite of myself)



  1. Sending family members to help me when I was feeling overwhelmed. They stepped in masterfully and did a great job! His healing hand to still me from work stress and His reminders of how present He is!


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