hope*writer Life Fall Writing Challenge -- ANGLE

Have you ever just wanted to take a photo from another angle? I know I have.

For whatever reason I think it will be more flattering, more easily viewable, gentler somehow to my sometimes fragile spirit.

Some days are that way as well. I've been having one of those today. I'd like to just be able to look at it from a different angle and have it not ache so much deep down in my soul -- that place I rarely if ever go with y'all.

It started this morning while trolling through Instagram stories and Emily is sharing snippets from today's "Next Right Thing" podcast.

I'm literally slayed by the first strains of the "Friends" theme song today. (still haven't been able to go back and listen to the whole episode . . .  but I will.)

It's the 25th anniversary week of the premiere, apparently. I remember exactly where I was the first time I watched it and its companion/neighbor "Mad About You" with newlyweds, Paul and Jamie Buchman.

I was still a newlywed, too, in Dallas, Texas, living in a 1 1/2 bedroom apartment, working in a church in Plano, and secretly wondering if I'd made the biggest mistake of my life.

I'm not sure what caused me such a jolt of emotion in hearing Emily's sweet voice mention her experience with the show; but hearing the theme song, which I faithfully clap with every. single. time. just sent me into a tidal wave of memories I still haven't fully recovered from today.

In restarting a blog/regular Instagram feed for more than just my few, lifelong friends, I have chosen to shoot from an angle that rarely digs into my past.

I mentioned to another hope*writer the other day that beauty can be found just about anywhere depending on what angle you choose to point your camera.

The same can be true about what angle we want to avoid. I can publish a snapshot of a lovely meal -- magazine worthy in its presentation. Just out of sight of the viewfinder is the veritable tornadic mess it took me to get that gorgeous plating.

So it goes with my own life.

I can share with you what God is teaching me.

I can share art, inspiring photos, and Scripture to hold us both close to the truth.

I can angle my descriptions of what I want to share . . . just to the right of where my heart is still being knit back together. It suffered such a shattering I didn't think I'd survive it, much less begin to attempt to figure out what life looked like after all I'd ever dreamed of took an enormous detour.

I can point your gaze elsewhere, or I can just let you know I still have days I can't hear silly theme songs from shows I watched with and laughed at during some of the good days with my ex.

I can suggest you listen to inspiring songs, or I can be really honest and let you know that having gotten married at Christmas time is both a blessing and a curse for my ever-healing broken heart.

I say all that to say, I am realizing I need to move forward from here with a wider angle lens. For you to truly see all God has done for me and can do for you, I must step back and let you get a better angle for viewing my story from His perspective.

Stay tuned!

Like with anything He does, God does it beyond anything we can ask or imagine.

Leaving a trail of beauty~



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