Thursday Thanks Tank

(a time to intentionally redirect my gaze and give testimony to the ways God blesses me)

Good Morning!

I'm not good at faking things. I have one of those faces and apparently even one of those texting styles that reveals my true thoughts in spite of the emojis I choose to tack on to the end of my full sentences. Yes, I am a "grammar girl" and text with case sensitivity and punctuation. (You never know who might be watching, of course!)

Back to my first comment . . . I'm not good at faking or pretending. I can't hide it if I'm not doing well or feel deflated. It's written all over my face and bleeds through into my writing. So, I am going to follow through with a commitment I made to myself in breathing life back into my blog. 

I will intentionally take time at least once each week to give thanks for how God is filling my tank. He doesn't stop doing it just because I don't feel upbeat and grateful. 

He doesn't withhold His gifts when I get distracted, have a headache, want to roll over and snooze that alarm again, or throw myself a huge pity party -- complete with some sort of high caloric treat that I delude myself into thinking will make me "feel" better.

Here's how God is filling my tank in spite of my bad attitude:

  • He had a friend send me a box of goodies to inspire my crafting -- just when my daughter and I had recently tossed around the idea of resurrecting our business to make dolls. I'll take a picture of all the loveliness and share it here sometime soon!
  • He is still providing for my daily needs on a daily basis. He hasn't revealed His long term plan for me, but He hasn't let me go hungry or taken the roof from over my head.
  • He gave me a positive report at the dentist and a doable plan for caring for a broken tooth until I can afford a permanent solution.
  • He reminds me on a regular basis the surgery I had back in May transformed my life in ways I cannot adequately describe here. Suffice it to say my pain level decreased exponentially, and my wrist has a tiny 1" scar as a tangible reminder of the pain that's behind me now.
  • He has gently been carrying me back into my past and my childhood to unearth good and difficult memories as I gather research for a future project. I have laughed, cried, and been astounded at what I am recollecting. It's fun to decipher what is remembered from pictures and stories I've heard over the years vs. what I have held in my own heart from firsthand experiences.
  • He has continued to build and craft new friendships in tandem with fertilizing and watering old ones. He has built a fortress around me, both in giggles and in depth of sincerity to protect me from the lies that threaten to sink me before I soar.
  • He has taken my hand and pushed me to work on a new place for my writing that can house all my creativity. He sees my struggles and wipes off my virtual scrapes and scuffles as I get back up again and keep striving for the finished product.
  • He reminds me daily that hope*writers is a life preserver, and it was no accident for me to join this community, even at a time it seemed ludicrous for me to take on another financial obligation of any sort. He will provide, and I will continue to seek out His calling for me in a place of growth and support.
  • He unearths truth and authenticity in the most unexpected places, but they provide a cool, refreshing breeze that peels back the suffocating humidity of a hot summer day. Truth is always better. It may be hard to hear, but it always proves itself to be what sets you free.
Oh how glad I am when I press through the feelings, the inner chaos, the voices that threaten to crowd out what is real! I sat down here originally to give some excuse as to why I couldn't compose any sort of list of thanks today. 

I was going to punt it. (even though I have absolutely no athletic prowess whatsoever!)

Instead, I centered myself.

I took a moment to give the Lord a chance to show me it's about Him and what He's doing rather than my myopic view of what I've been accomplishing.

He is at work. He's not forgotten me . . . or you.

Is it hard sometimes to be grateful? You bet!

Does it sometimes feel too hard to find anything good?

Is it easier to focus on what we can't or didn't do than what He can and will do?

Take some time for intentional gratitude today. 

Please let me know in the comments what He reveals to you. 

It may just be the breath of fresh air you need to carry you through this day!

Leaving a trail of beauty~



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