Thursday Thanks Tank

(a time to intentionally redirect my gaze and give testimony to the ways God blesses me)

How is God filling my tank this week? 

  • I am serving at VBS for the first time in eight years, and it has been a true pleasure. My crafty heart is in its element amongst paint, glue, crayons, colored pasta, and pom poms. I've met some wonderful ladies who have served alongside me, and we have shared the message that no matter what comes their way -- at age 3, 4, or 5 -- God is good.
  • The same is true for me. When life isn't fair . . . God is good! When life is scary . . . God is good! When life changes . . . God is good! When life is sad . . . God is good! When life is good . . . God is good! Life DOES get wild, and through it all . . . God is GOOD! 
  • I am thankful to have friends who will vouch for me on a moment's notice. The depth of friendship is boundless, and I am blessed beyond measure in longevity and quality.
  • Summer breezes. I am so thankful for the early morning coolness that allows me to open my door for a bit and enjoy the free air and sounds of God's creation waking up too.
  • God's sustaining grace. May I never take it for granted.
  • Naps. The 80+ sweet children I mentioned above have made it more than necessary for me to take a child-like nap every single afternoon so far, and I am anticipating today and tomorrow will be no exception. Restorative sleep is sporadic at best, but a good nap goes a long way toward propelling this one to the end of each day.
How is God filling your tank this week? Let me know in the comments, so we can all be:

Leaving a trail of beauty~


  1. Great list of blessings and such simple things we over look. I’m a fan of a fresh breeze anytime of day but that early morning cool and quiet is the best. I’ve had a week of late starts at work - scheduled- so my mornings have been more relaxed with some time for catching up on a few things unrushed. Such a blessing

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Tracy! Hope you’re having a great weekend!


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