DREAM: Day Four New Year Writing Challenge with hope*writers

I used to think dreaming was a bit like this photo, complete with similar results.

I would exhale my dreams out into the world. They’d then catch in the wind . . . only to drift away, settle in the soil, and become someone else’s weed — a virtual nuisance to the ones who caught them.

This mindset is directly related to what I shared about feeling like I am too much, therefore it is a natural progression for me to believe my dreams are also way too much.

What I have so often neglected to do with my dreams is leave them in the capable grip of the Dreamgiver.

My Jesus is perfectly able to fulfill those very dreams He has placed in my heart.

However, I am guilty of holding on to them myself, squashing them with my toddler-like fists, and somehow wondering why I feel undervalued and forgotten when I still see myself so far away from my dreams coming to fruition.

How do I stop this spiral of unfulfilled dreams from continuing?

One way is to identify what dreams I am choosing to ignore because of fear. Then I need to take small steps to get out of my comfort zone and chase those dreams I know God gave me. He is the only One who can enable me to fulfill them.

Let me give you a couple of examples, and I would love it if you’d share yours with me so we can hold each other accountable for moving toward realizing our dreams in 2020!

  • Learning to play the cello. Not sure how or when, but the dream of worshipping while playing will not leave my thoughts.
  • Writing and publishing a collection of thoughts, whether it be in book form, as an article, or a message illustrated for children; I’m not sure at this point. I just know I have something to say and someone needs to read it. 
  • Painting and creating in a studio atmosphere that leaves a trail of beauty and quenches my desire to spill flowers onto every surface I touch. 
The verse the Lord brought to mind when I contemplated what to say about dreams is this: 

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”  Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Our dreams and aspirations are a “good work” to and for Him. He WILL bring it all to completion for us and with us. It is His plan, and He fulfills His purpose in us for His glory.

Dream on with me.

Leaving a trail of beauty~



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